amazon tracker Widła |
Seit 13.12.2006
191 Besucher seit 03.03.2021
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Black Metal, Death Metal, Grindcore
Ancient Sorbian Bloodmetal

Deutschland 01067 Bautzen, Dresden


Widla was oficially found in april 2006. The early roots of this band were created by Syman and Winc, in their dark, lonely times of growing up. A few months later Stanij joined the project. Finally, in april 2006 Alex was taken into the group. Now the band consists of four obsessed headbangers from east Germany and they`ll gonna kick some ass. The music they play is some kind of Oldschool Black- and Death Metal. Widla’s first live performance was at the Vodkadnicka-Party in Nuknitz. At this time one band ended its musical career and ours began...

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